Friday, August 04, 2006

Singaporean Music

Singapore, just as neighbouring Malaysia, is an ethnically highly diverse place with many different cultures coming together. Their music therefore is also an pottpourrie of different sounds: tamil, chinese, malay, etc..
This day's post is about one of the main figures of pop rock music in Singapore: Ramli Sarip; often referred to as "Papa Rock" in Singapore. He sings in Malay.
Here's his song "Panah Beracun" as a little pretaste and then below many sites where you can download music or watch other videos! :)

Music in the real audio format
Songs and videos linked to from his website
Songs in MP3 format


Anonymous said...

We support non-English music too!! Visit for English translations of Chinese lyrics.

Abd Rahman Md Desa said...

Great job, you can put more Malay songs here.