This band is from Estonia. They have been founded in 1994 and have from then on released two albums. They have never given any concerts, they just produce music in the studio. I find this music really nice, relaxing. I would describe it as chillout-pop with pleasant vocals. It's hard to find English info on this band but I will show you what the Estonian wikipedia is writing about them: Alumiinium, Sinu Sädelev Sõber on Eesti ansambel, mis viljeleb elektrooniliste ja naturaalinstrumentide sümbioosi tulemusel loodud futu, kitarrirocki, uusromantika ja gooti sugemetega popmuusikat, mida bänd ise on iseloomustanud väljendiga alumiinium-pop.
My knowledge of Estonian is unfortunately restricted to international loanwords (;)) so I would say they are an ensemble that produces music in a symbiosis of natural instruments, guitar music and electronic stuff which in the end sounds like romantic pop music. :]
Check their webpage, then -- MUUSIKA and click your way through to some mp3s (which are there, my word on it).
There's also a video.
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